Tamanu seed carrier oil is extracted from nuts of Calophyllum tacamahaca which belongs to Caryophyllaceae family. The name TAMANU is a Tahitian word describing specifically the Calophyllum Inophyllum species which grows solely on Tahiti. The Tamanu nuts are only 3 or 4 cm in diameter and grow in small bunches dispersed throughout the tree. The fruits are green at first. Contrary to most other oil producing nuts, the fresh green Tamanu nuts are completely devoid of oil when they first fall from the tree. They need to be exposed to the sun for a few weeks before they turn a brownish color, develop their aromatic odor and achieve their full oil capacity. The pure expressed Tamanu oil which is extracted from the sun-drenched dry nuts is a rich Olive Green color with a characteristic marked odor. It contains a significant resin concentration (over 20%) which gives it its therapeutic properties well known in pharmacy and beauty care.
More about Tamanu (Foraha) Carrier Oil
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