Neem Carrier Oil is one of the most popular choices for use in the manufacturing of soaps, cosmetics, and massage oils. It is pressed from the tree's seed kernels and is prized for its antiviral, anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.
The Azadirachta indica botanical, better known as the Neem Tree, is believed to have originated in either India or Burma. When it was discovered that the tree can thrive in any warm, dry regions, migrating Indians introduced it to other lands including Africa, Fiji, Mauritius, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Cambodia. Its resistance to droughts and its tolerance to heat are factors that contribute to its long lifespan of up to 200 years.
Neem is well known for its beneficial effects on the skin and in scalp disorders. Its antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and fungicide properties, make it perfect for itchy, dry hair and scalp conditions. It helps restore body and shine to dry, damaged and delicate hair and helps mend the appearance of split ends.
Considered by the people of India to be sacred, the Neem tree has come to symbolize good health and protection. Traditionally Neem oil was used topically to address such ailments as fevers, respiratory issues, tetanus infections, rheumatism, arthritis, jaundice, malaria, ringworm, lice, fungal and bacterial infections of the skin, scabies, hives, eczema, psoriasis, and gastrointestinal diseases. Historically, Neem Oil was even used as a topical contraceptive.
More about Neem Carrier Oil
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