Wintergreen Essential Oil

Gaultheria procumbens

  • Certified Organic Available
Studied Properties

APPEARANCE: Pale yellow to pinkish yellow colored liquid

ODOR: Characteristic, sweet minty, woody aroma

SPECIFIC GRAVITY @20°C: 1.160 to 01.195

REFRACTIVE INDEX @20°C: 1.523 to 1.543


The main components of Wintergreen Oil are: methyl salicylate, α-pinene, delta 3-carene, limonene and myrcene.

Wintergreen Oil can help reduce inflammation, along with swelling and irritation. Methyl salicylate contributes to these anti-inflammatory effects. A natural analgesic, it provides a warming effect and enhances blood circulation. As a warming analgesic, effective in treating rheumatic and arthritic pain.

Methyl salicylate is the most dominant compound (about 98%) in Wintergreen essential oil, which lends it a number of therapeutic and purifying properties. In fact, Wintergreen and Birch are the only plants in the world that contain methyl salicylate naturally.

Common Uses

Massage Oils: Wintergreen has a warming affect and soothes muscles and joints.

Skincare: It is useful in skincare products and often used in muscle creams for its soothing anti-inflammatory effect.

Body care: A valued ingredient in products aimed at easing muscular aches and pains. It's anti-inflammatory properties and its warming effect make it a favourite.

Insecticide: Wintergreen oil is an effective insecticide and will help keep away mosquitoes, ants, flies and moths.

Diffusers and Oil burners: Wintergreen has a refreshing aroma that is stimulating and uplifting. It helps relieve respiratory congestion.


With a sweet, fresh and minty aroma, Wintergreen oil is best known as a favoured ingredient in products for soothing muscular aches and pains. Wintergreen oil is derived from the leaves of a creeping shrub found in coniferous areas.  Wintergreen is one of only two known plant sources (the other is Birch) of methyl salicylate, a valued component for use in topical creams and massage blends because of its soothing properties.  The oil possesses analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, and is an insecticide. Wintergreen oil has a refreshing aroma that’s uplifting and stimulating. 

More about Wintergreen Essential Oil

Studied Properties

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Warming
  • Uplifting

Common Uses

  • Insect Repellant
  • Aromatherapy
  • Fragrance
  • Hair & Scalp Care
  • Skin Care

Feature Constituents

  • methyl salicylate
  • α-pinene
  • delta 3-carene
  • limonene
  • myrcene

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