
Thyme Red Essential Oil

Thymus vulgaris

  • Certified Organic Available
Studied Properties

APPEARANCE Amber to dark red mobile Liquid
ODOR Characteristic
SPECIFIC GRAVITY @20°C 0.908 - 0.937
REFRACTIVE INDEX @20°C 1.490 - 1.510

Some of the main components of Thyme Red Oil include:

Common Uses

As well as its culinary uses Thyme is also used in applications for skincare, hair care, aromatherapy and massage.

Antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antirheumatic, expectorant, insecticide, stimulant, tonic.

Skincare: This oil may be effective in reducing acne-causing bacteria present on the skin. It can help fade away scars, surgical marks, acne and spots and sores. It is moisturizing and will help your skin look clear and healthy. It is an antiseptic and can be helpful in guarding wounds and sores against infection.

Haircare: Thyme oil mixed with massage oil and other essential oils may be effective against hair loss.

Massage: Mixed with evening primrose oil as a chest massage, this oil can help reduce
coughs associated with colds. It can improve blood circulation (therefore improve
healing) and it can strengthen the immune system. Used as a massage it is
helpful in easing muscular cramps and aches. As it is an anti-inflammatory it can
be helpful in easing joint pain associated with arthritis and rheumatism.
It can give relief during PMS, painful menstruation, irregular periods and can help
to keep hormone levels under control.

Added to a surface cleaner, Thyme oil can be effective in eliminating food-related bacteria and fungi that can be present on kitchen benchtops. It is an insecticide and can help keep insects at bay, like mosquitoes, fleas, lice, bed bugs and flies, as well as beetles and moths.

Diffused, Thyme oil may be helpful in reducing or eliminating airborne bacteria. As it is an antispasmodic, it can also be effective in reducing the severity of coughs, colds and respiratory tract infections and can help by draining congestion.

Inhaling Thyme oil can boost energy during the day and promote a good night's rest in the evening. It has stress- relieving abilities to help lower your stress levels and anxiety and can help in cases of depression.

Blends well with:
Bergamot, Grapefruit Pink, Lemon, Lavender, Oregano and Rosemary.


Red Thyme traditionally grows in the southern most regions of Spain. It’s a small aromatic herb from the mint family mostly used for culinary purposes. Harvesting takes place during the summer months, between late June and August.

Thyme Red Thymus vulgaris has been cultivated by humans as long as records have been kept. The history of Thyme dates back to Ancient Egyptian times where it was used for embalming practices. Greeks and Romans also valued Thyme as a herb for flavoring food, as incense, for cleansing rooms and considered the dry herbs to be a source of courage. Thyme has been embraced for its culinary uses in modern history and a staple in most herb gardens and
kitchens around the world.

More about Thyme Red Essential Oil

Studied Properties

  • Expectorant
  • Antifungal
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antibacterial

Common Uses

  • Aromatherapy
  • Body Care
  • Skin Care
  • Hair & Scalp Care
  • Massage
  • Hydration
  • Dry Skin
  • Blemish

Feature Constituents

While care is taken in good faith to ensure the information offered here is reliable and correct, Naturally Australian Products Inc cannot guarantee the accuracy of information and recommends that each ingredient be further researched with respect to its use.

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