Tangerine Essential Oil

Citrus reticulata

Studied Properties

Antioxidant, Improves digestion, boosts mood, respiratory, anti-anxiety

Common Uses

Aromatherapy, Skin Care, Massage, Baking, Candles

Blends Well with: Coconut Oil, Almond Oil, Jojoba Oil, Lemon Oil, Bergamot Oil, Clove Oil, Clary Sage Oil, Lavender Oil


Tangerine oil is extracted from Citrus reticulata of the Rutaceae family. The name comes from Tangier in Morocco, the port from which the first tangerines were shipped to Europe. Tangerines originate from China but are now grown in a variety of regions around the globe including Australia. Tangerine has a long history of use in Chinese culture and herbal health practices. Citrus reticulate are small trees about 2-4 m high with slender branches, and lance shaped shiny evergreen leaves. Flowers are white and attractive to bees. The fruit is similar to the mandarin. Tangerine oil is extracted from the peel by cold expression. This uplifting zesty citrus oil is refreshing and rejuvenating with many beneficial compounds.

More about Tangerine Essential Oil

Studied Properties

  • Antioxidant
  • Uplifting

Common Uses

  • Skin Care
  • Massage
  • Aromatherapy

Feature Constituents

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