Shea oil is a pure lightweight oil extracted from the nut of the shea tree (Karite tree) It is naturally high in fatty acids making it an ideal cosmetic ingredient for softening dry hair and as an all-over moisturiser for the skin. Shea oil is a lighter alternative to Shea butter.
The process of making Shea Nut Oil is similar to the production process of other fractionated carrier oils. The raw Shea Butter pressed from the Shea nut undergoes a process known as fractionation, which allows its liquid oil (olein) to separate from the heavier components (stearin). The resulting Shea fraction contains higher proportions of the liquid Oleic Acid and lower proportions of solid Stearic Acid, may be liquid or semi-liquid at room temperature, and is considerably less waxy in its consistency. The product may undergo refining, deodorization, and filtering to further improve its sensory profile.
More about Shea Carrier Oil
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