
Black Pepper Essential Oil

Piper nigrum

  • Certified Organic Available
Studied Properties

Black Pepper Oil is full of naturally powerful chemical components. It is high in monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes – known for their anti-oxidant activity.

A prominent quality of the oil is its warming sensation when used topically, making it popular in massage blends and other related products. It is stimulating and improves circulation, thereby helping give relief for muscle aches, rheumatism and arthritis.

A typical chemical composition of Black Pepper Essential Oil: a-pinene (5.8%), camphene (0.1%), b-pinene (10.4%), d-3-carene (20.2%), limonene (17.1%), g-terpinene (0.2%), p-cymene (0.8%), terpinolene (1.0%), d-elemene (2.5%), a-copaene (2.3%), b-elemene (0.4%), b-caryophyllene (27.8%), a-humulene (1.4%), d-cadinene (0.8%), caryophyllene oxide (0.6%)

Common Uses

With a crisp fresh spicy aroma and an uplifting, stimulating effect yet emotionally calming, the oil is popular in aromatherapy and aromatic uses such as diffusers and oil burners. It is popular in massage blends, and muscle products as it is warming, eases aches and improves circulation. It is used in soaps and some bath products and in perfume blends.


Piper nigrum (Black Pepper) is a plant native to India, but now grown around the world particularly in tropical climates and is a climbing vine that can grow up to 10m. Pepper was known as the King of Spices and has been among the most important spice used around the world for thousands of years. It was even considered precious in medieval Europe. The oil is steam distilled from the dried berries. It has a strong, spicy, crisp aroma and a warming sensation when used topically. Black Pepper oil is a stimulating and versatile oil.

More about Black Pepper Essential Oil

Studied Properties

  • Antioxidant
  • Calming
  • Soothing
  • Uplifting
  • Warming

Common Uses

  • Aromatherapy
  • Massage
  • Muscles & Joints

Feature Constituents

  • β-caryophyllene
  • d-3-carene
  • limonene

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