
Rosalina Essential Oil

Melaleuca ericifolia

Studied Properties

Rosalina Oil shares some of the same constituents as Eucalyptus, Tea Tree and Lavender, and is often substituted as a more subtle, pleasant smelling Tea Tree essential oil. The oil is antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic.

Having such an excellent amount of linalool (35-55%), the linalool content is calming and good for sleep (the primary constituent of lavender essential oil), it also provides the relaxing benefits of Lavender.

Rosalina oil also contains 1,8 cineole 20-25% (found in Eucalyptus oils), 1,8 cineole is well known as an expectorant and being great for the respiratory system. Rosalina oil is very child friendly and and a great friend in winter or in strained times. It is a gentle expectorant with anti-infectious properties.

Typical Chemical Profile of Rosalina Essential oil (Lavender Tea Tree)
alpha-pinene 5-10%
1,8-cineole 15-25%
para-cymene 1-4%
limonene 1-5%
linalool 35-55%
terpen-4-ol 0.5-4%
alpha-terpinene 1-4%
aromadendrene 2-4%
viridiflorol 0.2-3%

Relative Density @20°C: 0.880-0.910
Refractive Index @20°C: 1.4880-1.4900
Optical Rotation @20°C: +3.5-+12.0

Common Uses

Rosalina Oil is a gentler form of Tea Tree, an excellent choice for children, and those seeking an antimicrobial oil with a softer aroma. Rosalina Oil is excellent for aromatherapists and masseurs, the oil is gentle and calming with many of the relaxing benefits of Lavender. Good in air fresheners and diffusers to mask/eliminate odors. It is good for cleaning surfaces and in general cleaning products, keeping rooms hygienic - use as an alternative to Eucalyptus or Tea Tree. Deeply relaxing and highly therapeutic it is very useful for insomnia. Used in bath and body care products and soaps.


Rosalina trees (Melaleuca ericifolia) are a small tree 3 to 8 metres high with a bushy crown and a papery bark, they produce a white flower in abundance in late spring. Commonly known as swamp paperbark and sometimes referred to as Lavender Tea Tree, this plant is native to Australia and grows primarily in coastal regions where it is able to withstand permanently wet soil, salty conditions, and shade. Rosalina trees are found in swamps and wetlands and beside streams from Port Macquarie, in mid north New South Wales to Tasmania. A fresh, lovely floral note of Lavender with a mild Eucalyptus and Tea Tree note, this oil is very calming. Rosalina oil is extracted from the leaves and branchlets of the small tree or bush by traditional steam distillation.

More about Rosalina Essential Oil

Studied Properties

  • Antimicrobial
  • Calming
  • Antiseptic
  • Antifungal

Common Uses

  • Aromatherapy
  • Bath
  • Body Care
  • Cleaning
  • Massage

Feature Constituents

  • linalool
  • 1,8 cineole
  • α-pinene

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