The botanical species of Cinnamomum camphora has several different chemotypes as the result of climate, soil types, altitude and environment. They are Camphor chemotype Camphor oil, Linalool chemotype Ho Wood Oil and Cineol chemotype Ravintsara Oil. This oil originates from the camphor trees of Madagascar, Africa, where it is held in high regard by local people. This unique umbrella-shaped tree produces small, white flowers and black fruit and its glossy, light green, oval-shaped leaves are steam distilled to produce Ravintsara essential oil.
Meaning, “tree with good leaves,” in the Malagasy language, Ravintsara is a unique essential oil produced by steam distilling the leaves of the camphor tree. Though sometimes confused with another member of the Lauraceae family, Ravensara, Ravintsara is a bit milder and is similar to Eucalyptus and Camphor. Eucalyptol, the primary chemical constituent of Ravintsara oil, contributes to its distinct, invigorating aroma.
More about Ravintsara Essential Oil
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