Palmarosa Essential Oil

Cymbopogon martinii

  • Certified Organic Available
Studied Properties

APPEARANCE Pale Yellow colored liquid Fresh
ODOR floral and sweet
SPECIFIC GRAVITY @20°C 0.879 - 0.894
REFRACTIVE INDEX @20°C 1.468 - 1.478

Some of the main components of Palmarosa Oil include:
geranyl acetate
dipentene (E)

ALLERGENS: Contains, Limonene, Linalool and Myrcene

Common Uses

Great for Sinusitis, Excess Mucus, Cystitis, Urinary Tract Infection, Gastrointestinal Disorders, Scarring, Wounds, Acne, Pimples, Boils, Fungal Infection, General Fatigue, Muscular Aches, exercised Muscles, Stress, Irritability, Restlessness and Insect Bites And Stings.

Palmarosa is a popular skincare ingredient. It helps to hydrate the skin, balance sebum levels and regenerate healthy new cells. It is suitable for all skin types including both dry and oily skin types. It can help fight infection in wounds and prevent scarring and its antiseptic properties can be useful for treating acne, blemishes and other minor skin infections such as Athlete's Foot. It is also thought to be an excellent insect repellent.

Palmarosa helps calm the mind and has an uplifting effect. It is beneficial for stress, anxiety and nervous exhaustion and can also help if you are feeling, confused, lonely, vulnerable and insecure.

Palmarosa is a good digestive stimulant and can help with sluggish digestion and lack of appetite. It can also help combat digestive infections, fight fever and fatigue, making it a popular oil to use during convalescence. Sometimes known as ‘Indian Geranium,’ the oil can be good for balancing hormones, and can be a great choice for any ‘women’s problems' including as PMS.

Blends well with:
Orange, Clove and Lavender, bergamot, frankincense, neroli, rose, sandalwood and ylang-ylang.


Palmarosa is a tall, herbaceous grass with long stems, aromatic leaves and flowering tops. It is native to Pakistan and India but is also cultivated in Indonesia, Brazil, the Comoro Islands, Africa and Madagascar. Palmarosa essential oil is steam-distilled from the fresh or dried grass which is harvested before the plant flowers. Palmarosa essential oil is also sometimes called Turkish Geranium, East Indian Geranium or Rose Geranium.

Because of its rose-like aroma, Palmarosa essential oil has historically been used to adulterate Rose oil. It has also been used in traditional Indian medicine to treat fevers, infectious diseases, rheumatism and nerve pain. Palmarosa was also used to make incense blends in India, and was traded through the trading routes
of India and Persia where it migrated for use in the West.

Palmarosa essential oil is widely used for moisturizing skin. It effectively treats skin problems such as psoriasis, boils, eczema, acne and other similar problems. This oil is widely known for its therapeutic benefits and is widely appreciated among people for its effective properties. This oil is usefulness in cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Aromatically, Palmarosa Essential Oil has a slight similarity to Geranium Essential Oil and can sometimes be used as an aromatic substitute.

More about Palmarosa Essential Oil

Studied Properties

  • Antiseptic
  • Calming
  • Uplifting

Common Uses

  • Fragrance
  • Colds & Respiratory
  • Blemish
  • Skin Care

Feature Constituents

  • geranyl acetate
  • linalool
  • geraniol
  • farnesol
  • limonene
  • myrcene

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