An attractive bushy aromatic perennial herb, part of the Mint family, the name comes from the Greek word, hyssopus, which was derived from Hebrew ezob, meaning good scented herb. Hyssop oil derived from the herb is harvested twice a year. The leaves and flowering tops are collected and steam distilled at the end of Spring and at the beginning of Autumn. Hyssop has long been used for purifying sacred places for nearly 5,000 years.
Known as one of the oldest herbs used by human beings, with a rich documented history in medicinal treatment. Hippocrates, the renowned physician, noted using Hyssop for treating bronchial, chest and throat complaints. The ancient Romans brewed a medicated wine using leaves and flowers to offer protection from plague and other health disorders, it was highly valued as a natural remedy. A form of tea infusion, and tincture have also been utilized in history in the treatment of dropsy and jaundice. The plant grows to about 50cm - 60cm, with narrow leaves and either blue, pink or white flowers.
More about Hyssop Essential Oil
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