Ginger essential oil is extracted from the plant Zingiberaceae officinale of the Zingiberaceae family and is also known as Common or Jamaica Ginger. The plant is said to originate from India, China and Java, yet is also native to Africa and the West Indies. It was most likely brought to Europe between the 10th and 15th century as a condiment and spice.
Ginger is a perennial herb and grows to about 3 - 4 feet high with a thick spreading tuberous root. It has narrow spear-shaped leaves and white or yellow flowers growing directly from the root. The oil is distilled from the unpeeled dried ground root. The aroma of Ginger Essential Oil can vary widely, depending on the distillation and quality of the root being distilled.
It has been used as a medicine since very early times and is recorded in both Sanskrit and Chinese texts and is also mentioned in the literature of the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Arabians. The name ginger is said to be derived from the Gingi district in India, where tea made from ginger is used for stomach upsets.
More about Ginger Zingiber Essential Oil
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