
Agonis Fragrans (Fragonia) Essential Oil

Agonis fragrans

Studied Properties

Approx Constitution Ranges of Agonis fragrans Essential Oil
Optical rotation@ 20C: +12.5
Relative Density@ 20C: 0.900
Refractive index @ 20C: 1.469

Common Uses

The calming aroma of Agonis fragrans with its multitude of versatile properties make this a valued product.Great in burners and air freshening products for its fresh clean odor with expectorant and anti-bacterial properties. Agonis fragrans essential oil has powerful balancing properties. Its antimicrobial activity is similar to tea tree but it is a gentler oil on the skin.

It is considered to be an excellent treatment for topical infections such as acne or impetigo, for fungal infections such as tinea and viral infections such as cold sores. Physically the presence of 1.8 cineol makes it a great inhalation oil. Its expectorant properties are not as powerful and aggressive as Eucalyptus, but it is still very useful in a steam inhalation treatment for colds, flu, and other head and chest infections. Being gentler makes it good for use with children.

It has analgesic and anti inflammatory properties. From the chemistry approach, the striking element is the extremely well-balanced composition of the oil. Agonis fragrans essential oil is also good for tired joints or muscles. This Middle Note oil has such a calming and fresh odor – making it great in aromatherapy products. Great in bath products and massage blends.


NAP is North America's trusted supplier for 100% pure Agonis Fragrans oil from Australia. It is relatively new and was first introduced to aromatherapists in 2006. The aroma of Agonis Fragrans is clean, refreshing, delicately camphoraceous with a hint of citrus and a balsamic undertone. It blends well with most other essential oils. Agonis Fragrans is a safe, non-toxic essential oil and is safe for use with children and the elderly. Agonis Fragrans essential oil is extracted via steam distillation of the stems and branches. Agonis Fragrans or Coarse Tea Tree is found on the South Coast of Western Australia. The plant is a small shrub with fragrant white foliage. Agonis fragrans belongs to the Myrtaceae family. It is a small lignotuberous shrub growing up to 2.5 metres.


More about Agonis Fragrans (Fragonia) Essential Oil

Studied Properties

  • Antimicrobial
  • Balancing
  • Expectorant
  • Analgesic
  • Anti-inflammatory

Common Uses

  • Massage
  • Fragrance
  • Aromatherapy
  • Colds & Respiratory
  • Bath

Feature Constituents

  • α-pinene
  • β-pinene
  • limonene
  • p-cymene
  • 1,8 cineole
  • linalool
  • terpinen-4-ol
  • α-terpineol
  • myrtenol

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