
White Cypress Leaf Cellular Extract

Callitris glaucophylla

  • Certified Palm Oil Free
Studied Properties

Results based on Hydrophilic Water/Glycerin Extract

Dilution 1:10

12 -24 Months

Common Uses

Consider for Use in...
Active mists
Night creams/ Day creams
Facial Oils


NATIVE EXTRACTS' White Cypress Leaf Cellular Extract is popular for its essential oil properties (volatile and aromatic profile), and now you can access its exciting water-soluble phyto-compound story. Access a wide range of interesting compounds, creating a multifunctional ingredient. Explore its compounds' potential for antioxidants, premature aging, anti-inflammatory, hydration, skin toning, luminosity and hair growth/scalp improvement.

This extract by NATIVE EXTRACTS delivers True to Nature hydrophilic plant profiles. NATIVE EXTRACTS' (NE) unique Cellular Extraction harnesses a species’ water-soluble blueprint of phyto-compounds and their derivatives (called the entourage), suspended in a liquid medium. Extracted rapidly under high pressure, capturing the natural molecules. Committed to conscious manufacturing, NE'S  Cellular Extracts are created using purified, deionized rain-harvested water and less plant material to produce a True to Nature extract. With attention to eco-sustainable practices, traceable to source and transparent in composition ingredients – Cellular Extracts deliver the brilliance of nature.

NE's Cellular Extract delivers the natural molecules this botanical species can offer in a water-soluble format. To understand more about this species profile, REQUEST A DATASHEET for publicly available peer reviewed research on these phyto-compounds below. This information is not based on trials of the extract but information available on the phyto-compounds. Connect your brand to nature with Cellular Extracts!

More about White Cypress Leaf Cellular Extract

Studied Properties

  • Moisturizing
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antioxidant

Common Uses

  • Anti-aging
  • Skin Care
  • Sun Care
  • Pet Care
  • Hydration

Feature Constituents

  • catechin
  • procyanidins
  • lignans
  • amentoflavones
  • flavonoid glycoside

Request Data Sheet for Full Analysis

While care is taken in good faith to ensure the information offered here is reliable and correct, Naturally Australian Products Inc cannot guarantee the accuracy of information and recommends that each ingredient be further researched with respect to its use.

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