Camellia japonica, also known as Tsubaki (soo-baw-kee) in Japanese is a flowering tree indigenous to Japan and China, and a member of the tea family. Camellia japonica oil is harvested from the seeds of the plant and traditionally known for its remarkable ability to retain moisture and penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin because its composition is similar to sebum; the oil is naturally produced by human skin, delivering an immense amount of phytonutrients.
This nourishing oil has been a treasured beauty secret by Japanese women and the ancient Geisha's for centuries, yet it is not well known in other areas of the world. It contains high levels of essential fatty acids, which help replenish the skin’s barrier and prevent water loss, protecting it from UV and environmental damage. The camellia flowers are prized for their beauty, and vary in color from white, pink, red with plenty of variations in between.
More about Camellia Japonica Carrier Oil
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