
Basil Essential Oil

Ocimum basilicum

  • Certified Organic Available
Studied Properties

When diffused basil oil is reputed to clear the mind, relieve mental fatigue and provide strength and clarity. The antispasmodic properties of basil oil have benefits for the respiratory system and is used to help relieve sinus congestion, asthma, bronchitis, influenza and whooping cough. The anti-bacterial properties of basil oil can effectively help kill skin pathogens that lead to acne breakouts.

When combined with a carrier oil and massaged, the anti-inflammatory properties of basil oil can help with aching muscles and joints.

Main constituents:
Methyl Chavicol

There are some safety concerns with the methyl chavicol content of basil. When used for aromatherapy, it is preferable to use the linalool chemotype. The methyl chavicol chemotype is preferred in the manufacture of perfumes.

Common Uses

Basil Essential Oil blends well with citrus and floral oils. Used in aromatherapy applications to sooth headaches and fatigue. With expectorant properties, it is helpful in diffusers and vapor rubs to aid respiratory issues. It is an insect repellant and helps with overcoming odours when used in air freshening products. Works well in skin products as it helps balance oil production and calms acne breakouts. Useful in hair products to regulate oil production and aid healthy hair growth. When used in massage blends the anti-inflammatory properties of basil oil can help with aching muscles and joints. Great in bath products to help soothe muscle aches and pains.

There are some safety concerns with the methyl chavicol content of basil. When used for aromatherapy, it is preferable to use the linalool chemotype. The methyl chavicol chemotype is preferred in the manufacture of perfumes.


With a warm, spicy, herbal aroma, Basil essential oil is very versatile. With its high linalool content, the oil provides great benefits to the body and mind. Basil oil is derived from the Ocimum basilicum plant which is native to tropical Asia and Africa. The leaves and flowering tops of the plant are steam-distilled to produce the oil.

There are two common forms of basil oil available:
·  Sweet basil oil (also known as French or European basil oil) - a pale-yellow mobile liquid, which holds a sweet-spicy fresh note with a balsamic-woody undertone and a lasting freshness.
·  Exotic basil oil (also known as Réunion basil oil) - a pale yellow to pale green mobile liquid, which holds a slightly coarse-herbaceous, camphoraceous top note and displays an intense aniseed-like sweetness associated with the methyl chavicol content.

More about Basil Essential Oil

Studied Properties

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antibacterial
  • Antispasmodic
  • Expectorant
  • Refreshing

Common Uses

  • Aromatherapy
  • Bath
  • Blemish
  • Body Care
  • Colds & Respiratory
  • Fragrance
  • Hair & Scalp Care
  • Insect Repellant
  • Massage
  • Muscles & Joints

Feature Constituents

  • linalool
  • methyl chavicol
  • fenchol
  • β-caryophyllene

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