6 Cooling Essential Oils for Summer

6 Cooling Essential Oils for Summer

On a sweltering summer day, nothing beats a refreshing jump in a cold spring, a glass of ice-cold lemonade or standing in the grocery freezer aisle (No? Just us?). But for those moments when you’re relegated to backyard birthday parties, gardening, or let’s face it, doing anything outdoors, here are some cooling essential oils* and some creative ways to help get you through the heat of it all!

*We also recommend using any of these oils in a hydrosol format too, which are safe enough to use directly on skin, and can easily be added to a body mist or any other water-soluble formulation.


After you choose your oils, how will you use them? You might just be using them solely for their refreshing aromatics. Or maybe you’re formulating a product that highlights the oil’s therapeutic properties. Whether you want physically cooling, psychologically calming, emotionally soothing or spiritually uplifting qualities, here are some ways to incorporate these cooling essential oils into products that are great all day and for all seasons. And if you’re really needing some extra cooling power – keep them in the refrigerator for an instant “ahhhh”.

Hot sleeper?  Can’t get through the night without night sweats? These oils are also great in linen sprays. Or, use them in a body spritz or room freshener that can stay within reach on your bedside table.

Bites and (sun) burns?  No matter the season, nothing sets skin on fire more than a sun burn or bad case of mosquito bites. Stash a few small bottles of cooling sprays around for instant relief, or try adding some of your favorite cooling oils directly on the affected area, to bath water or a cool washcloth.

Summer dazed?  Muggy summer malaise got you lazed and dazed? Splashing a few drops of oil into a diffuser, vaporizer, or even a household cleaner can serve as a subtle, awakening scents to keep you vibrant with every breath. If you’re working from home, it’s nice to keep near your desk for all-day invigorating vibes.

Hot achy muscles?  For some, internal heat can feel just as excruciating. You can cool the source of heat from the outside in by diluting the oils below in a carrier oil and rubbing on the affected area. Of those oils listed below, Lavender and Eucalyptus oil can help relieve pain and inflammation, and Sandalwood can help alleviate muscle spasms and tension. These work great in roll-on bottles for easy application. 1




1.   Spearmint – Although it can feel like it, this oil itself isn’t cold, but rather it is rich in menthol, a compound that makes our skin feel cool. In short, it activates a protein called TRPM8 found in cold-sensing nerve cells, which tricks our brain into “feeling cold.”

2.   Eucalyptus – Similar to how menthol tricks our brain’s receptors into thinking our body is cooler than it really is, eucalyptol found in Eucalyptus Oil has a comparable effect.2 (We supply 9 different species of Eucalyptus Essential Oil - have a look at our full range of Essential Oils to choose which profile fits your formulation best!)

3.   Sandalwood - A cooling astringent with heat-reducing properties, it’s calming and relaxing, and has been commonly used by Ayurveda practitioners for its pitta-reducing quality, cooling the skin from the effects of tanning or sunburn. (We carry 3 different species of Sandalwood Essential Oil, all of which are produced in Australia by a sustainable grower - explore the full range!)

4.   Neroli – In addition to is refreshing citrus scent, this oil has antimicrobial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties that can be beneficial when applied topically, helping reducing acne or skin irritation. Plus, some say that inhaling its scent can sooth stress, anxiety, and even symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and menopause, which can be a source of internal heat.3

5.   Lavender - A relaxant, it uplifts, helps reduce insomnia, especially on those hot nights and can also be used as a mosquito-repellent and pain reliever, and it’s great for burns!

6.   Peppermint – An antimicrobial oil, it also helps hydrate and alleviate cold and flu symptoms that can occur from moving in and out of air-conditioned places.4


For More Cooling Essential Oils, Check out the Full list in our SUMMER OILS BROCHURE


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1.     https://www.healthline.com/health/fitness-exercise/essential-oils-for-sore-muscles#how-to-use 
2.     https://www.aromaweb.com/articles/cooling-down-essential-oils-aromatherapy.asp 
3.     https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/neroli-oil/ 
4.     https://www.wellbeing.com.au/at-home/home/essential-oil-summer-blends.html